Monday, March 9, 2009

Assignment 4 - Save, prevent, kill…

I decided to change the topic to "Save Your Children", a poster that calls for parents to educate their children on the dangers of the media. This is in light of children's increased exposure to the media.

The poster depicts a potential paedophile asking for the child's age/sex/location online, the television showcases an unrealistic body shape and the radio broadcasts explicit lyrics in songs.


Originally, I did a poster on prevention of AIDS since I figure it's always a topic that needs more awareness. However, the topic has been done a lot of times and is rather stale by now.


The poster depicts illustrates the grim reaper cursing as it is difficult for him to reach the couple who uses protection.

  • The grim reaper is not scary
  • Condom does not ensure 100% protection
  • Highlight the exterior of the condom instead of using a background gradient to show its protection effectiveness
  • The grim reaper was illustrated as such for the poster to feel a bit more light-hearted. It's a shift from the strong fear appeal that has been done many times before.
  • The simplest way to describe protection was by way of a condom, which has a very high percentage of protection. The idea is not that the condom is 100% safe, but that it is much tougher for the grim reaper to get through.

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